Easy walk-around measurements of layout voltage drops, accurate booster output setup to optimum voltages for decoders and sound units.
Regular volt and amp meters won’t measure DCC accurately.
The RRAmpMeter will!
Versions include:
- Version 1 the basic board as used on the Litchfield Station layout
- Version 2 adds an enclosure and clip leads to version 1
- Version 3 adds battery backup to Version 2
- Version 4 is a Version 3 enhanced for high power layouts:
- 35+ volts at up to 20 amps
The RRAmpMeter is the only inexpensive device that accurately measures DCC Volts and Amps
- Also measures AC and DC Volts and Amps.
- Rated at 10 Amps and costs less than DVMs that cannot accurately measure DCC
- Measures true RMS Volts and Amps with 2% accuracy
- Suitable for all scales – Think of Version 4 for G scale
- Batteries not needed for DCC use
- Designed for Left- or Right-hand use when probing the track for voltage measurement
- Basic board is 5.63 inches x 2 inches x 1.23 inches